

I care a lot about games. I've been playing them my whole life; I studied game design under Jesse Schell in graduate school, I've designed a few games.


Games I would recommend out of this collection - in particular, I think these give more than they take in terms of time and energy.

For groups

Interactive fiction


Games I Made


Professional work


Side projects

To document:

  • Jedi Knight II maps, maybe?
  • Extensions to Tim Alvey's DOTA-like Warcraft 3 game in 2007.
  • Building the sailing ship / archipelago DOTA-like with Tim Alvey in 2007.

The Mines of Memory



  • It looks like I haven't spent significant time with any games that start with the letter 'X'. You'd think I would have played a bunch of some X-Wing or X-Men game by now, or even X-Files.
  • Games with one-letter names: N, R

To be catalogued

This project started in this spreadsheet but I'm gradually moving it to this wiki (250+ to go). A sampling of games I still need to document here: The Fox in the Forest, Iota, Metroid Prime, Too Many Ninjas, Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, Orion Trail, Rinkworks games, Lumines, Ridge Racer (PSP), LocoRoco (PSP), Burnout Legends (PSP)

Virtual friendly: Coup, Spyfall, Drawphone, One-Night Ultimate Werewolf, Jackbox, Contact, Enigma / Decrypto (


Games I still intend to play, especially those that have been recommended to me.

Games marked “owned” but not “played:”