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Shared by Yotam Haimberg and Anisha Deshmane.
Pita Bread! ( He overflours while he's working - you don't need to add that much flour while working the dough.
Prepare the wet mixture:
In a mixing bowl prepare
1. Pour the wet mix into the dry and mix. 2. Remove dough and tuck into a ball, adding flour as needed. Prove for two hours. 3. Lightly flour the dough, tuck into a ball and divide into 8 pieces 4. Tuck each piece into a ball, lightly flour, and prove for 20 minutes 5. Roll into a round shape and place in HOT oven for 1-2 minutes on each side. The final color you're looking for is pale white with a hint of brown spots forming. If you leave it in longer it crisps up but pita chips are also good :D