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The Thick Table Tavern
by manonamora. 37th place, IFComp 2022.
What was that? Parts of it work, and parts of it feel like work. And the author clearly put a lot of work into it.
What’s working for me:
The characters and the tavern itself have a lot of character.
The routines and cadence of the work week are oddly satisfying. I liked roleplaying the bartender’s superstition of knocking on the sign, tidying up before each shift, etc.
The drink mixing minigame doesn’t really wear out its welcome; the mix-up of session lengths and how it sometimes connects up to the narrative works. Even though the game is basically following directions, the variety of drinks and ingredients and the different names given to familiar recipes kept it fresh long enough.
The mysterious animated wheel card is a nice touch of mystery and lampshading a theme.
In the end there’s a camaraderie among the characters that’s genuinely touching.
The level of care and polish that went into the visual experience and interactions really makes The Thick Table Tavern stand out in a crowd. It’s unlike anything else I’ve played this year.
What’s not working for me:
“Ya can be such a c*** boss.”
Which not only feels crude for the general tone of the game, it also seems out of place for the relationship between these two characters and it passes without comment. Then later in the story, we’re chastised for a softer insult:
> “JOHN!” Roscoe growls. “Language!”
This interferes a bit with my understanding of the characters.