HRO: Adventures of a Humanoid Resources Officer

Worthing & Montcrieff

It's Eric's game! Played a beta test at one point, and played all the way through the final product too.

This sharp and funny send-up of trek contains a whole season of capsule episodes that would be right at home in TOS, built around choices with significant consequences. The highlight for me was getting to know the various crew members over the course of the season - they'll often reference past choices that affected them, or reveal a bit more backstory over time. Also, what clever choice design! You only get one action at each turning point, and it often won't be enough to resolve the situation on its own, so I had to think about how my limited actions might overlap with what the crew might do, and who I could trust to do their job in each situation - which actually felt like what a Humanoid Resources Officer should be good at. If you like choice games, definitely play HRO!