Divinity: Original Sin II

Well, everyone else is playing Baldur's Gate 3 and I'm out with COVID so maybe this is an opportunity to sink my teeth into a long turn-based game… oh wait, DOS2 is from the same developer? And just as favorably reviewed? And down to $14? And has already had all its patches and updates and a deluxe edition that's probably more controller-friendly? Sold!

I'm playing as Beast, but really want to follow the undead guy's story too, he seems like a fun character. I'm not much of a WRPG person though, and am finding myself stuck at level 2 a few hours in, trying to find a way into the fort. So went and read a bunch of tips guides and… well, they're helpful, but I'm basically learning that I'll need to spend a lot more time reading all of my character sheets.