====== Altered ====== A physical/digital hybrid trading card game by Equinox. This TCG was Kickstarted with the gimmick that each physical card has a QR code letting you register your collection with their app. You then access all their deck management tools online, and can play online with your physical collection. They've also got an official marketplace and print-on-demand service coming soon. Beyond that gimmick though, I'm taken by the actual mechanics of play, which strike me as very different from Magic and its derivatives. * Instead of life counters or a score target, you are moving two tokens across a simple terrain towards each other, and you win when they meet. Each round players are competing on two fronts, and there's something of a bluffing game about where you will deploy your strength. * Play passes back and forth between players much more often than other TCGs: Every time a card is played, control passes to the other player, many times within a round. * Most cards are short-lived by default, lasting only one or two rounds; snowballing takes serious planning. * Hand size is usually small, but there's a second "open" hand called the reserve that's managed through different mechanics. Many cards have different costs and effects when played from reserve. I got curious and bought some cards in late 2024, but didn't properly start playing until January 2025. Yotam and I played on BoardGameArena a bit. I'm planning to attend a "Trial By Frost" launch event in late January, for their first expansion to the base game. {{tag>cards "played in 2025"}}