Summary: Mickey Mouse steps into a ravaged world of forgotten Disney characters, and learns that he is responsible for their plight. Commence cartoony world-saving. Verdict: As some others have said, this game is more than the sum of its parts. Worth playing if you’re into Disney and pretty good at 3D action-platforming. Impressions with spoilers…
Read moreWriting Readable Work
I just read a great article by Scott Berkun: How to write 1000 words. He has a lot to say about creativity, about allowing ideas to flow and multiply. He also spends about a paragraph to tell us that “writer’s block” is where real writing begins. My favorite part comes at the very end, where…
Read moreArticle Flood!
For some reason, there was tons of good content posted online in the last few days. Link roundup! Post-Secret Game Design by Drew Davidson (ETC at Carnegie Mellon!) discusses ways that our hyper-public internet lives will impact game design. Mountains out of Molehills by David McCandless (Information is Beautiful) is an interactive visualization comparing our…
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[googlemaps,-122.668591&spn=0.009484,0.014011&output=embed&w=425&h=350] I don’t usually make much of New Year’s resolutions, but for some reason I’ve got a whole battery of them this year. Getting in Shape My wife and I have been walking every day, starting with a couple miles. We’ve done the diet thing before and taken advantage of treadmills in the nearest…
Read moreEcho Bazaar: Like a Dream
I’ve discovered a little game called Echo Bazaar. It’s kind of a giant choose-your-own-adventure mixed with a collect-a-thon. It’s hard to describe… it feeds you little bite-size bits of story and gives you several characteristics and knickknacks. Before you know it the backwards world of Fallen London pulls you in. Myself, I’m kind of fashioning…
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