Reflection on a blog post by Raph Koster: “Do auction houses suck?”
Read moreWind Waker and Epic Mickey: A Critical Comparison
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker and Epic Mickey A critical comparison demonstrating the usefulness of Janet Murray’s pleasures of digital interactive media. Bradley C. Buchanan ETC Fundamentals: Video Game Report November 4, 2011
Read morePascal Luban: “Designing and Integrating Puzzles”
Reflection on an article by Pascal Luban: “Designing and Integrating Puzzles”
Read moreNetherworld
A nonviolent dungeon crawl with a metapuzzle ending. My role: Programmer This game design is modeled on a game called Enchanted Forest and designed around an Egyption tradition where people would commission a custom “Book of the Dead” to help them in the afterlife. Each round you design your book of the dead, then you…
Read moreMafia: Lafitte
Over the 2011-2012 winter break I organized a play-by-email game of Mafia for about forty of my ETC colleagues. Yotam Haimberg and I co-narrated the game, which lasted one month. We’ve created a full record of the game where you can read it from any one player’s perspective, or see the whole thing at once….
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