Writing about Yu-Gi-Oh got me thinking about Dominion, and how it’s about the only board game that my wife actually enjoys. As a thought experiment, I considered how Dominion would change if you took all the randomness out of the game. It wouldn’t be hard to do. Here are my rule changes: When setting up…
Read moreThe Cutting Room Floor
I just discovered The Cutting Room Floor (TCRF.net) through the (also recently discovered) Watch Out For Fireballs podcast, which is from my hometown. TCRF documents cut assets, levels and features in videogames. There goes my free time.
Read moreYu-Gi-No
It came down to this realization: When I won it felt like I was lucky, but when I lost it felt like I had played poorly. Let me back up. Not long ago we were blessed with some visiting family, and my little brother (age 14) is going through a serious TCG (Trading Card Game)…
Read moreThirty Flights of Loving
Games as Rhetoric
I finally got around to reading this post on Raph Koster’s blog. It’s powerful, thoughtful, and emotional. I’m not sure I have anything to add yet, but I wanted to refer people to his post because it captures a lot about the current independent games scene that I hadn’t recognized or put into words yet….
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